See it for yourself

See it for yourself. In July 2021, former councilman Capobianco submitted these invoices and received nearly $8,000 in payment for monthly COVID disinfecting services for December 2020 through July 2021 while still a member of council. Councilwoman Purcival stated several times in the October 2022 council meeting that payments were reimbursement for materials. If that was true, there would be receipts.

In March 2020, Council approved hiring the same company as the fire company to disinfect at a cost not to exceed $550 and the invoice should be given to the emergency management coordinator, Councilman Powers, for reimbursement.

From April 2020 through November 2020, there is no mention of disinfecting anything.

Then from December 2020 to June 2021, Councilman Capobianco, while running for re-election, states in every meeting that he disinfected the borough building and police vehicles at no cost, saving the borough roughly $1,000 a month.

Does this look like saving $1,000 a month to you? Why were residents lied to for months about this? If it was just reimbursement for materials, why create invoices from this handyman company for "disinfecting services?" Why didn't Mr. Capobianco declare his conflict of interest and abstain from voting in July 2021, when he voted to pay the bills, including nearly $8,000 to himself?


Fact Check: Community Day


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