Not one GOP councilmember has spoken up to denounce Councilman Dominic Capobianco and disgraced former councilman Robert Power's ethics violations, except to sweep it under the rug as a "lesson learned" or my favorite, Councilwoman Sarah Haynes blaming everyone else for the media coverage in February's meeting.
Culture of Corruption: Part 2 - Capo's Grifting Service
The revelation that former code enforcement officer and borough councilman Nick Capobianco charged taxpayers nearly $8K for COVID cleaning services after he spent months bragging about doing it for free is just the tip of the iceberg.
A Culture of Corruption Part 1 - Code Enforcement
For this article, I am going to walk you through my thought process so you can see how I drew my conclusions and understand why I filed so many darn Right-to-Know requests.
President Anna Guy September Special Council Meeting Statement
Please know that when I refer to the fire company, I am talking about the people who decide how to spend the money.
Pants on Fire
When I write an article, I try my absolute best to inform the reader where I’m getting my information from, and include hyperlinks to that source. You cannot count on the Parkside GOP to do the same.
Back to Normal: A Culture of Cronyism
I decided to look back at how Parkside Borough’s other employees were hired, especially under the GOP majority and Councilwoman Purcival’s leadership since she’s made it clear she was unsatisfied with the secretary hiring process and repeatedly complains about being excluded from interviews.
Making the Case for Concern
I don’t believe any entity, no matter how many lives you save, is exempt from financial transparency when it comes to how they spend taxpayer dollars. It is not uncommon to see volunteer fire companies make headlines for embezzlement.
Statement on The Arrest of Councilman Robert Powers
Parkside Democratic Committee is calling for the immediate resignation of Councilman Robert Powers from Parkside Borough Council and from his appointed positions in borough government in light of his recent arrests
Did GOP Candidate Sarah Haynes Put Children at Risk?
Sarah Haynes, for the second year in a row, hosted a Fourth of July Party at the home of a pedophile and Parkside’s only Sexually Violent Predator
Thank you Parkside Dem voters
We look forward to knocking on doors this year to hear more about the issues that concern you. You are always welcome to reach out to me or any of our candidates if you hear wild allegations. We're not monsters. We all pay the same taxes and live here too.
Your Racism Has No Home Here
This borough is a beautiful, diverse community. Your racism has no home here. Our neighbors do.
The High Price of Solicitors (not the kind that knock on your door)
We did not receive a donation from Rudolphe or Clarke, or any of their employees. I decided against publicly sharing a list of our donors here given their penchant for cyberbullying.
Fact Check: Community Day
All I did was write a harmless history article shining a light on Recreation Committee’s biggest and most well attended event of the year and some people would rather rewrite history than give props to someone who just happens to be a registered Democrat. The Saunders’ are not just registered Democrats though. They are dedicated Parkside residents who have spent years volunteering on Rec Committee.
See it for yourself
In July 2021, former councilman Capobianco submitted these invoices and received nearly $8,000 in payment for monthly COVID disinfecting services
Parkside Dems Scholarship Announcement
The Parkside Dems are committed to investing in the future of our community and in our children. Equity in education and opportunity is a driving force behind the Democratic vision and for this reason, we have decided not to require educational transcripts as part of the scholarship application process. Children learn and absorb information in many different ways and we don’t believe that a child’s potential can be accurately predicted by a gradebook.