Parkside Dems Scholarship
We Are Taking Applications.
DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION: May 31, 2025 at 11:59PM
Parkside Dems Committee Brings Holiday Cheer Through the Sponsor a Child Program
This holiday season, the Parkside Dems Committee partnered with City Team to bring smiles and support to a local family in need through the Sponsor a Child program. Our committee came together with a shared goal: to make the holidays brighter for those facing challenges in our community.
For the last two months, Parkside GOP Chair Minnie DiDomenico has used the borough council meetings to complain about the cost of fulfilling my RTK requests, lamenting the wasted taxpayer dollars. All of my RTK requests are available to be viewed by the public (a practice instituted by our former Dem majority).
Let No Voices Be Heard
The purpose of the Sunshine Act is to promote transparency and public participation in government. Violations are seldom punished with any substantial repercussions, and the burden lies on constituents to file costly complaints with the Court of Common Pleas in an attempt to force their government to do the right thing. For a campaign that shouted “Let your voices be heard,” they sure are quick to seek out loopholes to shut you up.
A Culture of Corruption Part 2 - Capo’s Grifting Service
The revelation that former code enforcement officer and borough councilman Nick Capobianco charged taxpayers nearly $8K for COVID cleaning services after he spent months bragging about doing it for free is just the tip of the iceberg.
A Culture of Corruption Part 1 - Code Enforcement
For this article, I am going to walk you through my thought process so you can see how I drew my conclusions and understand why I filed so many darn Right-to-Know requests.
Posted 2 months after Nick Capobianco was paid almost $8K for COVID cleaning. He spent months lying to tax payers about volunteering his time and saving the taxpayers money, then continued lying about it for months after he cashed the check. I imagine he'd still be lying about it today if we hadn't already seen the invoices from his imaginary handyman company. It's ironic the Parkside GOP candidates are running on integrity and financial responsibility. $8K for free cleaning services is pretty frivolous spending if you ask me.
Parkside Dems and Friends flexed their creative muscles to bring a Superhero Fun Walk to the Parkside Woodlot Park.
Parkside Dems 2024 Summer BBQ
Extending our warmest appreciation to everyone who stopped by our Backyard BBQ. We had a great time with our neighbors, eating way too much, and laughing until our cheeks hurt. We can’t wait to start knocking doors and learning how our candidates can best represent you.
Pants on Fire
When I write an article, I try my absolute best to inform the reader where I’m getting my information from, and include hyperlinks to that source. You cannot count on the Parkside GOP to do the same.
Statement on The Arrest of Councilman Robert Powers
The Parkside Democratic Committee is calling for the immediate resignation of Councilman Robert Powers from Parkside Borough Council and from his appointed positions in borough government in light of his recent arrests.
the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one’s own behavior does not conform; pretense.
Did GOP Candidate Sarah Haynes Put Children at Risk?
Parkside GOP borough council candidate Sarah Haynes, for the second year in a row, hosted a Fourth of July Party at the home of a pedophile and Parkside’s only Sexually Violent Predator (SVP). The Facebook event invited adults to spend six hours drinking alcohol at the home of a convicted child rapist, specifying children were welcome to attend the event called “Hoedown Throwdown”, as long as they were indoors after 8pm.
You don’t have to take a very close look to start seeing some red flags pop up. Before I run through them, I want to say that the goal here is not to see the Parkside Fire Company shuttered. My concern is that if someone has improperly used those funds, they need to be held accountable. We cannot even begin to repair the disastrous financial situation at the firehouse if we don’t understand the scope of it.
Making the Case for Concern
Our Mission:
We are dedicated to making Parkside inclusive to all residents. We believe elected officials should not only work for you, but also WITH you.

Parkside Dems Scholarship
Announcing the winner of the 2023 Parkside Dems Scholarship:
Ikon Jones
Your Racism Has No Home Here
Adopt-A-Highway Clean Up

The High Price of Solicitors! (not the kind that knock on your door)
Fact Check: Community Day
All I did was write a harmless history article shining a light on Recreation Committee’s biggest and most well attended event of the year and some people would rather rewrite history than give props to someone who just happens to be a registered Democrat. The Saunders’ are not just registered Democrats though. They are dedicated Parkside residents who have spent years volunteering on Rec Committee. They don’t like to toot their own horns, but I will.
In July 2021, former councilman Capobianco submitted these invoices and received nearly $8,000 in payment for monthly COVID disinfecting services for December 2020 through July 2021. Councilwoman Purcival stated several times in the October 2022 council meeting that payments were reimbursement for materials. Why are there no receipts?
See it for yourself
The Parkside Dems Committee giving some new life to the planters by the Woodlot Park. We chose Hosta plants this year because they are durable and they will grow to the space they’re planted.