It’s Spelled R-I-E-D-Y
Besides not bothering to spell my name correctly, someone wasted their time with nothing but deflection.
Parkside GOP response to Kyle’s blog “Fairies & Fallacies: How Parkside’s Fantasy Walk Almost Didn’t Happen”
You cannot change the fees for a park permit without passing a resolution through council. I don't care if the insurance agent recommended a change to the fees. You can't change them on your own. This is a democracy, not a monarchy. I'm not going to thank President Purcival for waiving a fee that wasn't legally required to begin with.
The event organizer submitted everything required by the borough at the time of the event within the time frame required. The $15 park permit was paid and handed off to the Rec committee chair well in advance. As was outlined in my blog regarding the Fairy Walk, President Purcival stepped in and changed the requirements on her own, so yes, the fees and the paperwork she created were handed in after the deadlines she also created.
I'm not expecting anyone to memorize the borough code. My expectation is that if you don't know what the code says, you don't just make it up on the spot.
Covid-19 is a great explanation for why maintenance of the Woodlot is not included in this year's budget, but what about every year before that? I understand that nobody wants their taxes raised. I certainly don't. Are we looking for alternative ways to fund cleanup of the Woodlot, or are we just waiting for someone to get hurt?
This is the last thing I'll say about this issue. No government official has the right to change and enforce ordinances on their own. This is why we have an entire borough council. Instead of owning up to it, the only explanation that is offered, over and over, is the importance of liability insurance. I don't care what political party you belong to - you cannot just make up your own rules and then get offended when someone points it out or pushes back.