We Didn’t Start the Fire
I have no desire to disband the fire department in Parkside. No democratic candidate has any desire to negatively interfere with the operations of our fire department in any way. In fact, it is our goal to ensure that the department is supported to the best of our ability.
Ashley's Application for the job of Parkside Mayor
I applied for the Interim Mayor spot with hopes that I could use the time as a probationary period in which you could see my work in action prior to voting. I’ve decided that sharing the resume I submitted for the position, as well as the answers I gave to questions posed by council during the interview process.
My Reflections on the State of Parkside Politics
The toxic nature of our politics is the reason that I decided to run for borough council. I became so disheartened by and disappointed in the behavior of our leaders, and I felt it simply had to end. Our politics does not have to be this mean and divisive. Political affiliation should not taint or distort our views of each other. We are neighbors.
Leading by Example
My goal as a councilperson is to create opportunities for residents to come together, meet each other and have a good time. It is much easier to see people beyond the caricatures created on the internet when you get to interact with them offline, in real life.
A Case for Clarity
Politics are ripe for confabulation because often only fragments of the whole story are made available—or only fragments of the whole story get passed around through media and word of mouth. So, we have large gaps of information in which conspiracy theories are born.
It’s Spelled R-I-E-D-Y
I'm not expecting anyone to memorize the borough code. My expectation is that if you don't know what the code says, you don't just make it up on the spot.
A Million Dollars For Your Block Party
Block parties are one of the things I love about Parkside. Residents have been holding them for years and they are a wonderful way to get to know our neighbors and build our community. I can't understand why the Council President would make it more difficult to hold block parties. I also don't understand why council members Nick Capobianco, Vice President Doug Bull and Eric Long voted to pass this resolution.
Welcome To The Neighborhood
Shortly after I moved in, it was communicated that the cost of recycling had skyrocketed, and the options were to cancel the recycling service, or raise taxes to cover the cost. I emailed the borough to express my support for keeping the recycling program and urged them to look into other trash collectors or pickup schedules to mitigate the cost increase but did not receive a response. I asked why we weren’t shopping for a better price in the local Parkside Facebook group (at the time - we’ve had so many!), to which I received a hostile reply from Council President Shirley Purcival, who went on about how I have done nothing for this community. I had literally just moved in, and this was the welcome to the neighborhood that the Council President offered me.
Fairies & Fallacies: How Parkside’s Fantasy Walk Almost Didn’t Happen
Hoping to provide a free event for the Parkside kids who have missed out on a considerable amount of fun and socializing during the past year as the pandemic persisted, a small group of Parkside Dems contributed their own time and money to make this event happen